A Hybrid Productivity System for Creative Entrepreneurs

Learn How to Plan, Focus, Work with Teams, Get-Things-Done & Accomplish your most Important Goals… even if you have ADD!

Plan, Manage & Execute on Your Goals & Projects using a Paper + Digital workflow

Overcome Overwhelm with visible written Goals and Action Plans
Reduce Stress by identifying your Weekly/Daily Priorities
Manage Projects, People & Progress with Wkly Tracking Reports

If you struggle with ADD, Procrastination, or F.T.E. (Failure-to-Execute), this Course is For YOU!


You've invested in various Planners, Task Managers, Books, Online Courses, etc., but it's Not Helping; You still feel like you're spinning your wheels on a treadmill in the whirlwind of day-to-day work challenges and a never-ending To-Do List. You love the feeling of writing things down on paper, but you work in a Digital World with so many moving pieces & people & products to manage. On top of that, you're an "ADD" Creative / Entrepreneur type who has more ideas than time & resources. 

I understand the overwhelm & frustration you feel, and I battle the temptation of spreading myself too thin, trying to do too much, and not making the kind of progress I desire, or seeing the successful fruits of my labor. And while I'm still very much a "work-in-progress", I've learned a few things I can do consistently to Get Organized & Get-Things-Done; Focus on just a few Goals, Roles & Projects every Quarter - Week - Day, to create the most value for the People I serve & the highest (mutual) ROI. I'd like to share this with you in a course I've titled: Productivity for "ADD" Creatives & Entrepreneurs - using a Hybrid system to G.T.D!  - EMC

Productivity for Purpose-Driven 

"ADD" Creatives & Entrepreneurs

In this course, I'll walk you through a Hybrid Productivity System using Paper + Digital planning tools like the Full Focus Planner, Productivity Planner & The One Thing 411 Planning system, along with Todoist Pro & ClickUp for Task & Project management.

You'll learn how to manage Annual + Quarterly Goals, Weekly Priorities + Projects, and Daily Tasks. I'll show you how I Capture my Ideas & Todo's on paper first, then Clarify my Weekly/Daily Priorities, Organize them in my Task Manager, and then Commit - Calendar + Share my "Big 3"+ MVPs (Most Valuable Priorities).

We'll go through the Weekly Preview process of Review & Planning, setting your Weekly Goals/MVP's, and listing all the Other Secondary Tasks you need/want to do. I'll share my Workday Startup & Shutdown Routines, Daily Mind + Body + Soul Habits, Time Blocking Your (Ideal) Week, Productivity Tools, and How I manage my ADHD to stay focussed, eliminate distractions & make daily progress towards my goals.

Who is this for?

The Dreamer

Creative Entrepreneur

You're a Creative Entrepreneur striving to try to turn your ideas into a profitable business using your unique talents.

The Learner

Career Professional

You're a Career Professional striving to learn new skills to add more value & better serve your company/clients.

The Doer

Business Owner

You're a Business Owner looking to grow & scale while maintaining a healthy & happy work/life balance.

Watch Preview

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

Get Clarity

In this Course you'll Get Clarity on What You Want & Why? We'll Start with the End in Mind & Reverse-Engineer your Year & ea. Quarter or Month.

Get a Plan

A flexible Plan for How to Achieve your Goals. What Next-Action Steps You Can Do this Week-Today to Move Fwd? What's your Lead Domino?

Get Things Done!

Commit - Calendar + Share your Weekly MVPs with an Accountability Partner. Track & Report your Progress regularly to Execute!

When you Sign Up you'll received a Confirmation Email and Links to set up an Account you can Log-in to access the Course Materials when we Go Live. The Course consists of 7 Modules with Text & Audio/Video Lessons. We also have Downloadable PDF Worksheets to help you apply what you've learned. It takes 3-4 hours to complete the course, depending on your application. You'll also get free access to any updated lessons in the future and Lifetime Access!

Course Modules & Lessons


Module 1: Introduction

1a. Productivity Course Preview

1b. User Course Video Testimonial (new)

1c. Productivity Tips for "ADD" Creatives


Module 2: Using an "Analog" Paper Planner

2a. Paper Planners - Overview & Benefits

2b. Using the Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt Co.

2c. Using the Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change

2d. Bonus Lesson: Planners Q&A's

2e. Quarterly Productivity Planner review (new)


Module 3: Using Digital Task Manager Apps

3a. Using Todoist + Full Focus Planner

3b. Using Todoist + Productivity Planner / 411

3c. ClickUp & Other Task-Project Managers

3d. Using a Task Manager in a Hybrid system Q&A


Module 4: Time & Pomodoro Tracking

4a. Using PomoDone Time & Pomo Tracker

4b. RescueTime Productivity Time Tracking

4c. Garmin Health & Activity Tracking

4d. Time Tracking Reports & Coaching


Module 5: Daily + Weekly Rituals - Review & Plan

5a. Full Focus Planner Weekly Previews

5b. Productivity Planner Weekly Review & Plan + 411

5c. Morning & Workday Start/End Rituals (FFP)

5d. 2021 Morning Workday Routine (Journal+Plan)

5e. AM Workday Startup & Shutdown Routines (samples)


Module 6: Wkly/Mthly Coaching & Accountability

6a. Coaching & Accountability

6b. Coaching Q&A + Affirm & Visualize

6c. Coaching Resources


Module 7: Bonus Materials

7a. Life Planning + Values Exercise (EOL)

7b. Life Goals 10-5-1yr Exercises (BMSU) 

7c. Connect to your (Higher) Purpose & Prayer

7d. 2022 Productivity system Changes (coming soon)


Regular, Premium or Premium+ Course packages

Regular Course

Access All Reg. Course Lessons  & Tools



  • Lifetime Access to All Modules
  • Free Annual Course Updates
  • Bonus Template & Worksheet*
  • Full Transcript (notes) & CC
  • Course Progress & Completion Certificate
premium Course

Get Premium Course Access, Tools & Support



  • Lifetime Access to All Modules
  • Free Annual Course Updates
  • Todoist Template & Worksheets
  • Full Transcript (notes) & CC
  • Pvte. Pro User Group Access
  • 45 min. Private Coaching Call
  • Course Progress & Certificate
premium+ Course

Get Premium+ Course Access, Tools & Coaching



  • Lifetime Access to All Modules
  • Free Annual Course Updates
  • Todoist Template & Worksheets
  • Full Transcript (notes) & CC
  • Pvte. Pro User Group Access
  • 3 Mthly 40 min. Coaching Calls
  • Course Progress & Certificate

Special Offer! Enroll Now & Get Free BONUS Content!


Order Now & Get These Bonuses!

Bonus 1
Productivity Templates 

Get 2 Custom Productivity Templates for Todoist inspired by the Full Focus Planner &  Productivity + 411 Planners, to help you implement a Hybrid system.

Bonus 2
Review & Planning Worksheets

Downloadable PDF Files you can Print & Complete regularly to help you Review, Process & Plan your Work & Personal Life Priorities.

Bonus 3*
* Online Peer Support Group

Access to Pvt. Support Group of positive like-minded Creatives, Entrepreneurs & Goal Achievers to Post Questions, Learn, Resource & Network.

Click Here for Press Release

This Course will Help You Capture, Clarify & Commit to your Weekly Priorities & Get-Things-Done!

The Struggle is Real

I want as many people as possible to have access to this material, so we've created 2 simple packages to help you design a custom hybrid system that works for you, regardless of your Planner or Task Manager. And because I value your time, there's no added fluff here - just clear & concise content you can Act-on immediately.  Learn how I use various productivity tools to run my business, create content, market & sell my products & services, serve my people/clients, and balance my personal & family life.

You could easily spend 3-to-10 times more for similar "premium" content + coaching and not get the principals, practical productivity tips, or personal support I offer in our advanced course package. You can watch this course in a few hours & immediately start planning your Work & Personal Life priorities smarter with our easy-to-use Weekly Planning Worksheets & Custom Productivity Templates for Todoist & ClickUp*.

Imagine being able to finish work early (3-4pm?) without any guilt to pick up your kids, exercise, read, write, play...or just relax (you deserve it!), knowing you've done what matters most. Start enjoying your Work & Family & Life again by taming your todo's & making "your work" work for you. Cheers! - EMC

Get Your Free Course Lesson

Sign up to get your free Lesson on Higher Purpose & Prayer from our Productivity for Purpose-Driven Creative Entrepreneurs Course.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We Guarantee you'll become more Productive by putting into Practice what you Learn in this Course. We Offer a 30 Day $99 Money Back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with the Course Content. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this Course for?

This Course is for Creatives, Entrepreneurs/Business Owners, People with ADD/ADHD, Full Focus Planner &/or Productivity Planner users, Todoist users, Project/Team Managers, and anyone who just wants to be More Productive!

What will I Learn? 

Click Here for an overview of what you'll Learn when you take the Course.

How will this make me more Productive?

You'll have a proven framework to create your own custom "Hybrid" Productivity System for Purposeful Planning, Prioritizing Weekly/Daily Tasks, Project & People Mgm't, and Promo-Time Tracking that combines the best Analog & Digital tools.

Will this benefit me if I only use 1 System?

YES! If you're a new Full Focus or Productivity Planner user you'll learn how you can use a Paper Planner to organize your Life + Work Goals & Priorities, Weekly & Daily Tasks etc. If you prefer a Digital Tool to manage your projects/people, I'll show you how to implement the same principals in Todoist, working from your Annual - Quarterly Goals - Weekly Priorities, and Pomo/Time Tracking Sync.

What Support do you offer?

We offer Support via Email, a Pvte. Gold Street Facebook Group & a 30min. Coaching Call for Advanced/Premium Course members. Additional Coaching/Training packages are available here

When & Where can I do the Course? 

The Reg. Course is available anytime. The Adv.-Premium package with Support/Coaching is available for limited posts available for Sign-Ups every Quarter.  Click here to get on the Wait-List. (Enter Course name in Subject line & your Full Name)

A Personal Note

I want to personally encourage you to commit today to Being & Doing Your Best! I believe this course can help you be more productive & get more of the right things done. I'm proud to share my "hybrid" system with you, and I hope you sign up so I can teach you how to overcome common productivity roadblocks and achieve your Goals!

About The Course Teacher,
(Eric Michael Cap)

Eric Michael Cap is a passionate multi-talented Content Creator, Marketing Professional & Coach. Eric has run his own successful Creative Agency / Production Business @ GOLD STREET for over 2 Decades in Los Angeles, fulfilling the roles of Creative Dir/Mgr, Writer/Producer & Audio/Video Editor-Mixer. He's a committed Christian, Husband & Father who loves helping & serving like-minded People with excellence.

#EricMichaelCap #GoldStreet #creative #content #marketing #coaching


Here’s what people are saying about ERIC

Exceedingly Inspirational, Creative & Knowledgeable

" Eric went above and beyond anything I could have ever expected in producing video and flyer design for my campaign. He was exceedingly inspirational, creative and knowledgeable not only about production, but also in the areas of content, delivery and marketing."


- City Council Candidate


From Concept to Finished Product, he was a Pro Every Step of the way

"Eric Michael Cap did an outstanding job producing a 10-minute Corporate Video for Family Promise. From concept to finished product, he was a Pro every step of the way. The video required many interviews in a variety of locations, and he always put his subjects at total ease. And finally, he wove an incredible video tapestry that so clearly tells the Family Promise story through many points of view."

Mary Anderson-Harris

- PR Consultant


He makes sure the job gets done well and he goes the extra mile to make sure it's done right

"Overall the videos were really well-received and everyone was happy! I'd work with Eric again in a heartbeat. He makes sure the job gets done well and he goes the extra mile to make sure it's done right. It doesn't get much better than that!""

Jim Garcia

- Producer


Full "Master" Productivity Course (Reg & Adv)

upgradable mini-Course options NOW Available

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31 Lessons  



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12 Lessons  



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16 Lessons  



Video/Text / image

10 Lessons  



Regular, Premium or Premium+ Course packages

Regular Course

Access All Reg. Course Lessons  & Tools



  • Lifetime Access to All Modules
  • Free Annual Course Updates
  • Bonus Template & Worksheet*
  • Full Transcript (notes) & CC
  • Course Progress & Completion Certificate
premium Course

Get Premium Course Access, Tools & Support



  • Lifetime Access to All Modules
  • Free Annual Course Updates
  • Todoist Template & Worksheets
  • Full Transcript (notes) & CC
  • Pvte. Pro User Group Access
  • 45 min. Private Coaching Call
  • Course Progress & Certificate
premium+ Course

Get Premium+ Course Access, Tools & Coaching



  • Lifetime Access to All Modules
  • Free Annual Course Updates
  • Todoist Template & Worksheets
  • Full Transcript (notes) & CC
  • Pvte. Pro User Group Access
  • 3 Mthly 40 min. Coaching Calls
  • Course Progress & Certificate

Q4 Premium/+ Course + Coaching Enrollments close on SEP. 30th 2024

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GOLD STREET Goal Planning Workshop

Join other creative & purpose-driven entrepreneurs for a 1/2 Day Goal Setting course workshop. Discover your core values, imagine your someday/10years goals, work backwards to your 3-5yr vision and annual goal priorities. Determine your lead domino habits and join an accountability group to help you become the person you desire. #goals #2024 #bestyearever #habits #values 
